We are an ISO-9001 professional manufacturer and exporter in various parts, components and accessories for industrial purpose in China. Our main is automotive metal parts, oil pump series parts and components, hydraulic fittings series, non-standard fasteners, metal stamping parts and plastic products.
We have been supplying various parts, components and accessories as per our customers' samples or shop drawings or blueprints to European, American marketsuccessfully for 15 years, such as Germany.....
Yuyao Vistda Machinery Co., Ltd.
Tel: 86-574-6298837862989378
Fax: 86-574-62988428 62989438
Contact: Mr.Wang
M.T: 86-13867874288
E-mail: wangjun@vistda.com
Msn: yyztyb1982@126.com
Web: www.vistda.com yyztyb.cn.alibaba.com

Copyright (C) Yuyao Vistda Machinery Co., Ltd. All right reserved.
Tel: 86-574-62988378 62989378 Fax: 86-574-62988428 62989438
E-mail: wangjun@vistda.com Manager Login